Research Publications

EPP: Extreme Points Privacy for Trips and Home Identification in Vehicular Social Networks

The main purpose of designing Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) is to achieve safety by periodically broadcasting the vehicle's coordinates with a high precision. This advantage brings a threat represented in the possible tracking and identification of the vehicles. A possible solution is to use pseudonyms instead of real identities. However, even by changing pseudonyms, the vehicle can still be tracked if the adversary has knowledge about the potential start and end points of a particular driver who has social interactions (e.g., with neighbors) which introduces the concept of Vehicular Social Networks (VSNs). In this work we propose a location privacy scheme, namely: Extreme Points Privacy (EPP) for trips and home identification in VSNs by exploiting the nature of the end points that are common between many VSN users bringing the option to create shared zones to anonymize these users. An analytical study accompanied by a simulation using the realistic vehicular traffic mobility generator SUMO are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.